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Arts, Writing

Moby Dick

I’ve done it! I’ve finished the Great American Novel!


Ok, I’ve finished reading the Great American Novel. Writing the Great American Novel is still a work in progress.  But finishing Moby Dick feels like an accomplishment. Never mind that it’s 822 pages long; during high school I could have read that in a week. For some reason, large portions of reading have been difficult lately. Maybe it’s because I mostly try to read late at night, and promptly fall asleep.

Nobody needs a review of Moby Dick, but it’s worth saying that I found it very enjoyable. It’s very humorous, particularly in the first half, when the voice of the narrator, Ishmael, is most prominent. It’s also very generous with its descriptions of the whale fishery of the 1800’s, which, while somewhat dry, are quite enlightening.

What’s next? Maybe studying some Spanish, maybe reading Cloud Atlas (a book Nadene lent me), maybe something else.

What are you reading?



One thought on “Moby Dick

  1. Cloud Atlas was one of the many books I tore through over the past couple weeks. One of the better ones too, though I couldn’t tell you what it was about for the life of me.

    Posted by Catherine | November 4, 2009, 6:47 pm

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